Dr. phil. Christine Koch

Freies Kindertheater in Europa seit 1990: Differenz, Wandel,
Visionen (Arbeitstitel)

Christine Koch, D. Phil., majored in German Studies, Romance philology, and education in Hamburg. After passing the teachers' state examination for "instructing at high schools", she obtained her PhD as a fellowship holder of the "German National Merit Foundation" in the fields of Language, Literature, Media & European Languages and Literature" on the topos of world theatre and game-playing as a motif in dramatic works by Samuel Beckett and Thomas Bernhard. Alongside her research work in the field of children's and young people's theater, since 2012 she is a lecturer at the University of Hamburg and teaches the subject "Theater" at a Hamburg high school.
Focus of interest and work: (Independent) children's and young people's theater in Europe (including music and dance theater for children, performance art for children, and theatre for toddlers); literature didactics with special consideration given to scenic interpretations; dramatic and theater didactics; and children's and young people's literature since the 1970s.