Prof. emerit. Dr. Manfred Brauneck
Prof. em. Dr. Manfred Brauneck, born 1934, teaches modern German literary
studies and theater sciences at the University of Hamburg since 1973.
He majored in German literature studies, art history, theater sciences,
and philosophy at the University of Munich, where he obtained his PhD
in 1965. Since 1968, he was a full-time director of studies at the University
of Regensburg, receiving his postdoctoral qualification in 1975. In the
same year, he was appointed chair of reception research, later exchanged
for chair of theater research. He was curator for numerous exhibitions,
among others the 1978 collaboration with Dr. Barbara Müller-Wesemann
on Humans and Human Machines. Experimental European Theater from 1910
to 1933, shown in Hamburg, Paris, Sofia, Washington, and several other
U.S. states.
From 1986 to 2003, he was director of the Center for Theater Research
at the University of Hamburg, and until 2005 also head of Theater Directing,
the course he developed together with Jürgen Flimm at the University
of Hamburg in 1989. Since 1973 he has held many visiting professorships
in USA (combined with numerous theater productions there), Poland, and
Bulgaria. The main focus of his research: history and theater theory,
borderline areas between theater and the visual arts.
Alongside comprehensive project editions, his essential German-language
publications include Spieltexte der Wanderbühne des 17. Jahrhunderts.
Bd. I- IV. 1970-1972; Sixt Birck. Sämtliche Dramen. Bd. I
- III. 1969-198o; Theaterlexikon. Bd. I. 1986 (extended 5th ed.
2007); and Theaterlexikon Bd. II. 2007 - among others: Deutsche
Literatur im 17. Jahrhundert. Revision eines Epochenbildes - ein Forschungsbericht
1945 - 1970. 1971; Literatur und Öffentlichkeit im ausgehenden
19. Jahrhundert. Zur Rezeption des naturalistischen Theaters in Deutschland.
1974; Religiöse Volkskunst. 1978; Theater im 20. Jahrhundert.
Programmschriften, Stilperioden, Reformmodelle. 1982, 1986, 1993,
1998, 2009 (extended version); Klassiker der Schauspielregie. Positionen
und Kommentare zum Theater im 20. Jahrhundert. 1988, 1996; Die
Welt als Bühne. Geschichte des europäischen Theaters. Bd.
I 1993, Bd. II 1996, Bd.III 1999, Bd. IV 2003, Bd. V u. VI 2007; Europas
Theater. 2500 Jahre Geschichte - eine Einführung. 2012.
He received the 2010 Balzan Prize for Theater Research.